Illuminate your pathway

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”

~ Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT

Hope for seemingly hopeless situations

Regardless of your circumstance, you can find hope. Even better - hope will help you find a way out. Through Christ-centered therapy, Illuminated Pathways Family Therapy is here to shine a light on Hope.

Healing for all the anguish and suffering

In spite of what you’ve gone through, you can find healing. No matter how bad things are, or how bad they’ve been, there is healing for you. Illuminated Pathways Family Therapy is here to help you find your pathway forward to Healing.

The first step to Hope & Healing is right in front of you.

Register and Schedule an Appointment with us.

Happy Clients Say. . .

  • "I have recommended Rhonda to many of my friends and colleagues who have also had great experiences with her. If we need a counselor again, she will be my first choice."

    Laura S

  • "The instructions and techniques that I was taught helped me get through a very difficult and challenging time in my life."

    Daniel B

  • "As a parent it is the most painful and helpless feeling when your child has been traumatized. However, it is the most rewarding feeling to see the healing process working, and the light back in your child’s eyes again!"

    Ami B

  • "Rhonda helped my son and I navigate a traumatic situation we had recently experienced. With time and weekly sessions, we were both able to better process our experiences."

    Tara U

  • "I’ve had multiple visits over many months, discussing a path forward after divorce. [Rhonda] listened and always had a positive outlook on my future decision making."

    Edward G

  • "[Rhonda] provides the guidance and the tools, but YOU must want to do the WORK yourself and trust the process to heal and let me tell you the reward is so amazing."

    Ami B

  • "Rhonda is the best counselor in my opinion and her approach works with grumpy sailors even when we did not want to be there."

    Jeff D

  • "Illuminated Pathways provided a safe, understanding environment with a goal oriented path to emotional healing that helped promote a healthy self-worth."

    David D